Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday 2024 is December 3!

December 3rd is #GivingTuesday, a national day of giving! Our goal is to raise $10,000, to be able to provide 10 children affected by Tourette syndrome with an opportunity to attend Camp Twitch and Shout. We want all children and families who are impacted by a Tourette syndrome diagnosis to have the opportunity to participate in camp and parent workshops, and to be able to connect with others with similar situations for friendship and support. We need your help! Join us today and help us reach our goal!

You can make a contribution directly via our donation page, or start your own Facebook fundraiser to spread the word about Camp, TICS and raise money for the organization!

How to Set Up a Facebook Fundraiser

We invite our TICS supporters to join us this #GivingTuesday to help us reach (and surpass!) our goal. Let your Facebook network know what TICS means to you. Whether you are a volunteer, camper, caregiver or community supporter, consider starting a Facebook fundraiser. It’s easy!

Use this link for quick setup, or follow these steps:

Thank you for your support!

Prize Tiers

We will have 3 tiers and prizes for people who raise different amounts of money. For every person who has a fundraising page, here are the following fundraiser Tiers and Incentives:

Thank you for your support!


November 30 – Thankful for all of our supporters

This Thanksgiving, we are thankful for all our supporters. With your help, this year we hope to be able to provide 10 campers with an unforgettable camp experience, where children affected by Tourette syndrome developed skills, independence and friendships to last a lifetime. Thank you for your support!

TICS will be participating in Giving Tuesday on December 3rd. We invite our TICS supporters to join us this #GivingTuesday to help us reach (and surpass!) our goal. Let your Facebook network know what TICS means to you. Whether you are a volunteer, camper, caregiver or community supporter, consider starting a Facebook fundraiser. It’s easy!

November 23 – Thankful for CTAS campers

Today’s #ThankfulThursday goes to our awesome Camp Twist and Shout participants! The week that you spend at camp is a fun and inspirational time, and we are so glad that you choose to camp with CTAS! Can’t wait until 2022 camp!!

November 16 – Thankful for caregivers, parents and guardians.

In this season of thanks, we will be sharing throughout the coming weeks about the people in our TICS community that we are thankful for. Did you know that November is National Caregivers Month? This #ThankfulThursday, we are grateful for the amazing caregivers, parents and guardians that are involved with TICS and Camp Twist and Shout. You are amazing!

November 9 – Thankful for volunteers (fundraising, camp)

This #ThankfulThursday, we want to recognize our wonderful volunteers. Whether you volunteer at Camp Twitch and Shout or host fundraising events to support our programming, we couldn’t do the work that we do, without you! Thank you!!